Report found item near you

Report found item near you

Lost and found networks is the global search engine where anyone can report their lost and found items. Every found item will be matched with the lost items to reunite with the lawful owner. With more than 80% recovery rate, lost and found networks deliver secure and convenient service for its users. You can report a found item near you in just three steps.


Lost and found networks will never share your personal information with anyone includes individuals, organizations, public organizations and corporations. By deploying all efforts to protect the private nature of your personal information. The only exception is if the law or a court order compels us to share your information with government agencies if they need or request it.

Procedure to report the found item near you

One can log in and create the ad on the large community where everybody potentially take action in searching for what you have found. 

Register with us

Don’t know how to deal with found items near you? Register with your name and email address.  If you have registered already, you can use the same account for posting unlimited ads.

Verify your account

Confirm your registration through the verification link which has sent to the given email address and then you can manage the account details now. Use either username or email address for login to your account.

Start reporting

You can start creating the ad for the found items near you now.  Once done, we will post the ad on the large community where everybody can potentially take action in searching for what you have found.


  1. Always choose the relevant category, subcategory and type
  2. Give a clear description with additional details of the lost/found thing
  3. Enter the exact location of where you have lost/found
  4. If applicable, mention the serial number, document number etc
  5. Add extra reward, if you want to give a reward to the founder of the lost item
  6. Choose the right city
  7. Tag properly and upload an image for visibility