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Lost Tower of London Keychain on 1st Sep 2019 in Chennai, India Perdu

il y a 4 ans Keys Chennai   2K vues

-- ₹

  • lost-tower-of-london-keychain-on-1st-sep-2019-in-chennai-india-big-0
Localité: Chennai
Prix: -- ₹

This keychain holder is made of brass plate in the shape of a bell. Two of the keys has numbers inscribed; I will provide those numbers when the finder contacts me, so that he/she is sure that he is giving it to the correct owner

Informations complémentaires

Last location of Lost & Found T Nagar at a petrol pump or West-Annanagar School Road area near PSB Hall
Brand Not applicable
Serial Number Two of the keys has numbers inscribed; I will provide those numbers when the finder contacts me on +91 44 2433 4051.